Category Archives: Uncategorized

Puff Pastry & Lemon Mousse

Step 1; Bake 2 Sheets of Puff Pastry at 450 degrees for 15 minutes

Step 2; in a bowl, gently fold lemon pudding & whip cream. Scoop on to one of the baked pastries.

Step 3; top with you favorite fruit. Then top with the other pastry sheet.

Below is a suggestion of how to make it fancy: use a cookie cutter to make shapes in the second pastry sheet prior to baking.

Okra & Rice

Wash and Cut 1 and 1/2 pounds of okra

In a skillet, heat 1/4 cup olive oil, one small onion chopped, 4 cloves garlic, juice of 1 lemon, salt, pepper, 1 Tablespoon Syrian pepper, 4 oz tomato paste. Add 2 cups of broth. Add the Okra, simmer for 30 minutes. Serve with rice & Enjoy!

Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

It’s an assembly of your favorite flavors of ice cream surrounded by ice cream sandwiches cut to hold it all together!

Step One; use store bought ice cream sandwiches, cut into 4 even pieces.

Step Two; In a baking dish lined with waxed paper, place the cut bars around the edges.

Step 3; Layer with softened ice cream. For example, Mint Chocolate Chip, Vanilla, Strawberry. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for 1 hour. Enjoy!

Caravan Stew

Gypsy Soup

caravan stew

Aah, yes, soups, stews & such! All this nutrition in a pot on the back burner will keep us healthy. Party hopping during the holidays, eating here there and on the go – I seem to have gotten out of making a home cooked meal for the past 3 weeks.
I’m taking a few minutes to set a pot of stew on the stove, that way the few minutes I am home I can make sure there is something nutritious to grab. This is no time to get run down, or let a cold sneak in. Here is the step by step version…

stew 2

1. Begin with the 3 sisters, onion, celery, carrot. Sauté in 2 Tablespoons butter

stew 3

2, Add 3 – 4 cloves garlic

stew 4        stew 5

3. Add 2 teaspoons paprika, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1 teaspoon black pepper, a dash of cinnamon, a dash of allspice. 1 bay leaf. Stir. Add…

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You’ll Love ’em Logs

Gypsy Soup


A little snazzy dessert, set these next to a plate of cookies and let the magic begin. Every holiday, the aunts and uncles would gather and prepare. Three Sunday’s before a holiday, we would rotate from one relative’s house to the next. First Sunday – Uncle Joe’s to make the sausage. Next Sunday – Auntie Rosie’s to make baklava and ‘ cookies ‘  All the cousins running around, we didn’t mind clean-up duty as that is when the boys would get mischievous, spray us with water or jump out of a closet, scare the daylights out of the girls.
Now, I can see it was more for practical reasons, I bet the cost of ingredients and the time to make these treats no one family could tackle. There is no substitute for baklava, nor for the hours of family time shared. However with miles between us, these Logs are a…

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Cranberry Kissed Muffins

Gypsy Soup

berry muffin

Ooh, so many cranberries, so many ways to play with our food! Teens R Cooking and came up with a crazy combo of flavors. Surprisingly light and delicate dance for the taste – buds!

½ cup plain yogurt
1 cup granulated sugar
3 large eggs
pinch salt
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tbsp lemon zest
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
½ butter
2 cups fresh cranberries

Complete how to recipe under breakfast.

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Zucchini Bread

Zippidity Do Dah, Zippidity Yea, My oh My what a wonderful day! One of my favorite cheerful songs. Ever feel as if your day is way too busy? No matter what you do everything seems to be frustrating and overwhelming? You are just stuck in a bad mood, no particular reason why.
Sittu, my grandmother, had a cure for those type of days.” You can’t have a bad day when you are baking a cake for someone else.” Yes, zucchini bread falls in this category. Cupcakes, muffins, cookies, and even pies have the same results. It is a matter of – do I want to stay stuck in the bad mood, or do something to change it.
Many of my neighbors grow zucchini, and they are generous about sharing their harvest, so I am always looking for new ways to change up how to serve it. The first time I made zucchini bread I did not drain the grated zucchini. You guessed it, the mushy blob that came out of the oven- what a mess. Adjustments were made, several more batches were made, even a few trips to the store as  I had run out of flour and eggs. Yes, determined to bake a cake the mission was finally complete! I brought a loaf over to my neighbors, we sat, giggled, ate and enjoyed the warm summer evening. Oh, and I had forgotten all about my “bad mood” – Bonus!!

This recipe is under Breakfast.

Summer Strawberry Shortcake

Gypsy Soup

IMG_20160624_12065220160624_000202Grandma’s biscuits get a patriotic make over. This 4th of July, add some sparkle to your shortcake. 

Make the biscuits, by crumbling in cold butter. Add milk, shape into 2 rounds. Then on one of the shortcakes, press cookie cutter 3/4 of the way down. Do not remove, bake them first. After cool for ten minutes, take the star shape out of the shortcake. Assemble, and enjoy.

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Making Friends with Herbs

Gypsy Soup


Healthy Food Trends 2016,  Meet “Adaptogens”  !! superherbs that help your body adapt to specific needs. Headaches, leg cramps, stress-relief, getting to know your herbs and which foods to pair them with.
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Use the heal of your knife to chop fresh herbs. This recipe is 2Bean Salad, full recipe is under Salads.

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Here is a list of our favorite Herbs;
Oregano  ” joy of the mountain ”
Potent Taste & Aroma
Use on salads, veggies, soups
Rosemary  ” dew of the sea ”
Aromatic & Pungent
Use on lamb, garlic, potatoes
Parsley  ” work horse of the herbs ”
Grassy & Sweet
Use in butters, cream sauces, fish, lemon
Sweet or Savory dishes, Drinks, fruit…hello mint juleps!
plays well with other herbs!  duck, turkey, eggs…look out omelets!
Vitality, protects from negativity, Sharp flavor…dill pickles!

Storing Tips:
Rinse with cold water. When…

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Scalloped Potatoes


These creamy and delicious potatoes please everyone at the table!

Pour 1 and 1/2 cups of heavy cream over the layers of potatoes, onions, tomatoes. Add 6 tabs of butter. Sprinkle with salt & pepper, then the Gruyere cheese. Cover and bake at 350 for 1 hour. Check that the potatoes are tender, all the way through – some ovens are temperamental, IF additional baking time is needed be sure there is still enough liquid. Do Not add cold milk or cream, instead stir a Tablespoon of cornstarch into 1/2 cup of warm milk or cream and pour evenly over the casserole. Enjoy!