Tag Archives: apple fritters

Apple Fritters


The King of all fruits! There are over 2000 varieties of apples, and just as many recipes. We’ve got a little Apple Fritter going on here, my friends.  One of my favorite things about the fall is the adventures, a drive just to peep at the changing colors of the leaves or to find an apple orchard.
That feeling of anticipation when everyone piles into the car, with a destination in mind, knowing that anything might happen along the way. The first year I lived in North Carolina we headed up to the mountains to go apple picking. My neighbor and I along with 6 kids, for certain there was plenty of adventure awaiting us. Off we set.
2 hours into our drive, just about the time everyone was getting restless we arrived at the orchard. Picking your own apples is a treat, so was the toting one child in a leg cast. Lucky us! they had a wagon !! They also had homemade apple donuts & a frozen apple cider slushie.
The trip home was were our real adventure began, you see this was pre- cell phone app days, so no google maps at our finger tips. I was set on taking the back roads home, and thought it would be a shortcut. Oops! as we crossed over the state-line! We did however find a funky little town called Pumpkin Town, the perfect place to stop for dinner. We ate, we giggled, we had homemade ice cream on the porch as the sun set.
Everyone was content especially as the highway was only a mile away, and we zipped home in about 45 minutes. Arriving safely home, we decided to make the apple fritters.  This is how to make these delightful little treats;
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The dry ingredients in one bowl, wet ingredients in a second bowl, stir to thick batter

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Grate the apples, stir them into batter

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Drop by the spoonful into hot oil, Enjoy !!
Go ahead, try an new adventure, and this recipe it’s under desserts.